Temporal Segment Network (TSN, ECCV2016) 代码笔记 —— Dataloader 与 TSN Model 定义。
# main.py
if args.modality == 'RGB':
data_length = 1
elif args.modality in ['Flow', 'RGBDiff']:
data_length = 5
train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(
TSNDataSet("", args.train_list, num_segments=args.num_segments,
new_length=data_length, # 1 for RGB,2 for RGBdiff, 5 for Optical Flow
image_tmpl="img_{:05d}.jpg" if args.modality in ["RGB", "RGBDiff"] else args.flow_prefix+"{}_{:05d}.jpg",
Stack(roll=args.arch == 'BNInception'),
ToTorchFormatTensor(div=args.arch != 'BNInception'),
batch_size=args.batch_size, shuffle=True,
num_workers=args.workers, pin_memory=True)
转到 TSNDataSet 的定义
# dataset.py
class VideoRecord(object):
def __init__(self, row):
self._data = row
def path(self):
return self._data[0]
def num_frames(self):
return int(self._data[1])
def label(self):
return int(self._data[2])
class TSNDataSet(torch.utils.data.Dataset);
class TSNDataSet(data.Dataset):
def __init__(self, root_path, list_file,
num_segments=3, new_length=1, modality='RGB',
image_tmpl='img_{:05d}.jpg', transform=None,
force_grayscale=False, random_shift=True, test_mode=False):
self.root_path = root_path
self.list_file = list_file
self.num_segments = num_segments
self.new_length = new_length
self.modality = modality
self.image_tmpl = image_tmpl
self.transform = transform
self.random_shift = random_shift
self.test_mode = test_mode
if self.modality == 'RGBDiff':
self.new_length += 1 # Diff needs one more image to calculate diff
def _load_image(self, directory, idx):
if self.modality == 'RGB' or self.modality == 'RGBDiff':
return [Image.open(os.path.join(directory, self.image_tmpl.format(idx))).convert('RGB')]
elif self.modality == 'Flow':
x_img = Image.open(os.path.join(directory, self.image_tmpl.format('x', idx))).convert('L')
y_img = Image.open(os.path.join(directory, self.image_tmpl.format('y', idx))).convert('L')
return [x_img, y_img]
def _parse_list(self):
self.video_list = [VideoRecord(x.strip().split(' ')) for x in open(self.list_file)]
def _sample_indices(self, record):
:param record: VideoRecord
:return: list
average_duration = (record.num_frames - self.new_length + 1) // self.num_segments
if average_duration > 0:
offsets = np.multiply(list(range(self.num_segments)), average_duration) + randint(average_duration, size=self.num_segments)
elif record.num_frames > self.num_segments:
offsets = np.sort(randint(record.num_frames - self.new_length + 1, size=self.num_segments))
offsets = np.zeros((self.num_segments,))
return offsets + 1
def _get_val_indices(self, record):
if record.num_frames > self.num_segments + self.new_length - 1:
tick = (record.num_frames - self.new_length + 1) / float(self.num_segments)
offsets = np.array([int(tick / 2.0 + tick * x) for x in range(self.num_segments)])
offsets = np.zeros((self.num_segments,))
return offsets + 1
def _get_test_indices(self, record):
tick = (record.num_frames - self.new_length + 1) / float(self.num_segments)
offsets = np.array([int(tick / 2.0 + tick * x) for x in range(self.num_segments)])
return offsets + 1
!!! __getitem__ !!!
def __getitem__(self, index):
record = self.video_list[index]
if not self.test_mode:
segment_indices = self._sample_indices(record) if self.random_shift else self._get_val_indices(record)
segment_indices = self._get_test_indices(record)
return self.get(record, segment_indices)
def get(self, record, indices):
images = list()
for seg_ind in indices:
p = int(seg_ind)
for i in range(self.new_length):
seg_imgs = self._load_image(record.path, p)
if p < record.num_frames:
p += 1
process_data = self.transform(images)
return process_data, record.label
def __len__(self):
return len(self.video_list)
# models.py
from torch import nn
from ops.basic_ops import ConsensusModule, Identity
from transforms import *
from torch.nn.init import normal, constant
于是转到 ./ops/basic_ops.py
class Identity(torch.nn.Module):
def forward(self, input):
return input
class SegmentConsensus(torch.autograd.Function):
def __init__(self, consensus_type, dim=1):
self.consensus_type = consensus_type
self.dim = dim
self.shape = None
def forward(self, input_tensor):
self.shape = input_tensor.size()
if self.consensus_type == 'avg':
output = input_tensor.mean(dim=self.dim, keepdim=True)
elif self.consensus_type == 'identity':
output = input_tensor
output = None
return output
def backward(self, grad_output):
if self.consensus_type == 'avg':
grad_in = grad_output.expand(self.shape) / float(self.shape[self.dim])
elif self.consensus_type == 'identity':
grad_in = grad_output
grad_in = None
return grad_in
class ConsensusModule(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self, consensus_type, dim=1):
super(ConsensusModule, self).__init__()
self.consensus_type = consensus_type if consensus_type != 'rnn' else 'identity'
self.dim = dim
def forward(self, input):
return SegmentConsensus(self.consensus_type, self.dim)(input)
再回到 models.py
class TSN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, num_class, num_segments, modality,
base_model='resnet101', new_length=None,
consensus_type='avg', before_softmax=True,
crop_num=1, partial_bn=True);
def _prepare_tsn(self, num_class);
def _prepare_base_model(self, base_model);
def train(self, mode=True);
def partialBN(self, enable);
def get_optim_policies(self);
def forward(self, input);
def _get_diff(self, input, keep_rgb=False);
def _construct_flow_model(self, base_model);
def _construct_diff_model(self, base_model, keep_rgb=False);
def crop_size(self):
return self.input_size
def scale_size(self):
return self.input_size * 256 // 224
def get_augmentation(self);
TSN 定义
python 自省函数 getattr()
class Test(object): val = 1 >>> Test.val 1 >>> getattr(Test, 'val') 1 >>> getattr(Test, 'va', 5) 5
def __init__(self, num_class, num_segments, modality,
base_model='resnet101', new_length=None,
consensus_type='avg', before_softmax=True,
crop_num=1, partial_bn=True):
super(TSN, self).__init__()
self.modality = modality
self.num_segments = num_segments
self.reshape = True
self.before_softmax = before_softmax
self.dropout = dropout
self.crop_num = crop_num
self.consensus_type = consensus_type
if not before_softmax and consensus_type != 'avg':
raise ValueError("Only avg consensus can be used after Softmax")
if new_length is None:
self.new_length = 1 if modality == "RGB" else 5
self.new_length = new_length
Initializing TSN with base model: {}.
TSN Configurations:
input_modality: {}
num_segments: {}
new_length: {}
consensus_module: {}
dropout_ratio: {}
""".format(base_model, self.modality, self.num_segments, self.new_length, consensus_type, self.dropout)))
feature_dim = self._prepare_tsn(num_class)
if self.modality == 'Flow':
print("Converting the ImageNet model to a flow init model")
self.base_model = self._construct_flow_model(self.base_model)
print("Done. Flow model ready...")
elif self.modality == 'RGBDiff':
print("Converting the ImageNet model to RGB+Diff init model")
self.base_model = self._construct_diff_model(self.base_model)
print("Done. RGBDiff model ready.")
self.consensus = ConsensusModule(consensus_type) # default dim=1
if not self.before_softmax:
self.softmax = nn.Softmax()
self._enable_pbn = partial_bn
if partial_bn:
获取 Backbone 模型
其中 self._prepare_base_model(base_model)
def _prepare_base_model(self, base_model):
if 'resnet' in base_model or 'vgg' in base_model: # default base_model='resnet101'
self.base_model = getattr(torchvision.models, base_model)(True) # download=True
self.base_model.last_layer_name = 'fc'
self.input_size = 224
# 默认是RGB, 如果是光流或者RGBdiff则进if/elif循环
self.input_mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406]
self.input_std = [0.229, 0.224, 0.225]
if self.modality == 'Flow':
self.input_mean = [0.5]
self.input_std = [np.mean(self.input_std)]
elif self.modality == 'RGBDiff':
self.input_mean = [0.485, 0.456, 0.406] + [0] * 3 * self.new_length
self.input_std = self.input_std + [np.mean(self.input_std) * 2] * 3 * self.new_length
elif base_model == 'BNInception':
import tf_model_zoo
self.base_model = getattr(tf_model_zoo, base_model)()
self.base_model.last_layer_name = 'fc'
self.input_size = 224
self.input_mean = [104, 117, 128]
self.input_std = [1]
if self.modality == 'Flow':
self.input_mean = [128]
elif self.modality == 'RGBDiff':
self.input_mean = self.input_mean * (1 + self.new_length)
elif 'inception' in base_model:
import tf_model_zoo
self.base_model = getattr(tf_model_zoo, base_model)()
self.base_model.last_layer_name = 'classif'
self.input_size = 299
self.input_mean = [0.5]
self.input_std = [0.5]
raise ValueError('Unknown base model: {}'.format(base_model))
下一行 feature_dim = self._prepare_tsn(num_class)
def _prepare_tsn(self, num_class):
feature_dim = getattr(self.base_model, self.base_model.last_layer_name).in_features
if self.dropout == 0:
setattr(self.base_model, self.base_model.last_layer_name, nn.Linear(feature_dim, num_class))
self.new_fc = None
setattr(self.base_model, self.base_model.last_layer_name, nn.Dropout(p=self.dropout))
self.new_fc = nn.Linear(feature_dim, num_class)
std = 0.001
if self.new_fc is None:
normal(getattr(self.base_model, self.base_model.last_layer_name).weight, 0, std)
constant(getattr(self.base_model, self.base_model.last_layer_name).bias, 0)
normal(self.new_fc.weight, 0, std)
constant(self.new_fc.bias, 0)
return feature_dim
倒数第三行 self._enable_pbn = partial_bn; if partial_bn: self.partialBN(True);
其中 partialBN() 的定义为:
def partialBN(self, enable):
self._enable_pbn = enable
Optical Flow 模型
def _construct_flow_model(self, base_model):
# modify the convolution layers
# Torch models are usually defined in a hierarchical way.
# nn.modules.children() return all sub modules in a DFS manner
modules = list(self.base_model.modules())
first_conv_idx = list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(modules[x], nn.Conv2d), list(range(len(modules)))))[0]
conv_layer = modules[first_conv_idx]
container = modules[first_conv_idx - 1]
# modify parameters, assume the first blob contains the convolution kernels
params = [x.clone() for x in conv_layer.parameters()]
kernel_size = params[0].size()
new_kernel_size = kernel_size[:1] + (2 * self.new_length, ) + kernel_size[2:]
new_kernels = params[0].data.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True).expand(new_kernel_size).contiguous()
new_conv = nn.Conv2d(2 * self.new_length, conv_layer.out_channels,
conv_layer.kernel_size, conv_layer.stride, conv_layer.padding,
bias=True if len(params) == 2 else False)
new_conv.weight.data = new_kernels
if len(params) == 2:
new_conv.bias.data = params[1].data # add bias if neccessary
layer_name = list(container.state_dict().keys())[0][:-7] # remove .weight suffix to get the layer name
# replace the first convlution layer
setattr(container, layer_name, new_conv)
return base_model
RGBdiff 模型
def _construct_diff_model(self, base_model, keep_rgb=False):
# modify the convolution layers
# Torch models are usually defined in a hierarchical way.
# nn.modules.children() return all sub modules in a DFS manner
modules = list(self.base_model.modules())
first_conv_idx = list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(modules[x], nn.Conv2d), list(range(len(modules)))))[0]
conv_layer = modules[first_conv_idx]
container = modules[first_conv_idx - 1]
# modify parameters, assume the first blob contains the convolution kernels
params = [x.clone() for x in conv_layer.parameters()]
kernel_size = params[0].size()
if not keep_rgb:
new_kernel_size = kernel_size[:1] + (3 * self.new_length,) + kernel_size[2:]
new_kernels = params[0].data.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True).expand(new_kernel_size).contiguous()
new_kernel_size = kernel_size[:1] + (3 * self.new_length,) + kernel_size[2:]
new_kernels = torch.cat((params[0].data, params[0].data.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True).expand(new_kernel_size).contiguous()),
new_kernel_size = kernel_size[:1] + (3 + 3 * self.new_length,) + kernel_size[2:]
new_conv = nn.Conv2d(new_kernel_size[1], conv_layer.out_channels,
conv_layer.kernel_size, conv_layer.stride, conv_layer.padding,
bias=True if len(params) == 2 else False)
new_conv.weight.data = new_kernels
if len(params) == 2:
new_conv.bias.data = params[1].data # add bias if neccessary
layer_name = list(container.state_dict().keys())[0][:-7] # remove .weight suffix to get the layer name
# replace the first convolution layer
setattr(container, layer_name, new_conv)
return base_model
模型 forward
def forward(self, input):
# self.new_length: 1 for RGB,2 for RGBdiff, 5 for Optical Flow
# RGB: sample_len=3*1; RGBdiff: sample_len=2*2; OpticalFlow: sample_len=2*5
sample_len = (3 if self.modality == "RGB" else 2) * self.new_length
if self.modality == 'RGBDiff':
sample_len = 3 * self.new_length # sample_len=2*2*3=12
input = self._get_diff(input)
base_out = self.base_model(input.view((-1, sample_len) + input.size()[-2:]))
if self.dropout > 0:
base_out = self.new_fc(base_out)
if not self.before_softmax:
base_out = self.softmax(base_out)
if self.reshape:
base_out = base_out.view((-1, self.num_segments) + base_out.size()[1:])
output = self.consensus(base_out)
return output.squeeze(1)
其中 input = self._get_diff(input)
def _get_diff(self, input, keep_rgb=False):
input_c = 3 if self.modality in ["RGB", "RGBDiff"] else 2
input_view = input.view((-1, self.num_segments, self.new_length + 1, input_c,) + input.size()[2:])
if keep_rgb:
new_data = input_view.clone()
new_data = input_view[:, :, 1:, :, :, :].clone()
for x in reversed(list(range(1, self.new_length + 1))):
if keep_rgb:
new_data[:, :, x, :, :, :] = input_view[:, :, x, :, :, :] - input_view[:, :, x - 1, :, :, :]
new_data[:, :, x - 1, :, :, :] = input_view[:, :, x, :, :, :] - input_view[:, :, x - 1, :, :, :]
return new_data
- 本文作者:Mengqi Cao
- 本文链接:https://rogercmq.github.io//2020/08/04/%E8%AE%BA%E6%96%87%E5%A4%8D%E7%8E%B0-TSN%E5%AE%9E%E7%8E%B0(2)/
- 版权声明:自由转载-非商用-非衍生-保持署名(创意共享3.0许可证)