VALSE2020在线大会 网络架构设计与类脑 20200805会议记录
1. High-Resolution Networks: A Universal Architecture for Visual Recognition
【讲者】王井东(Microsoft Research)
【题目】High-Resolution Networks: A Universal Architecture for Visual Recognition
传统的分类网络:learn low-resolution representation
1.1 HRNet
高分辨率 semantic 不强,于是用到了 repeated fusion
在目标检测任务中,基于HRNet的Faster RCNN在小物体检测有涨点。
在实例分割任务中,基于HRNet的Mask RCNN在小/中/大物体检测有涨点。
Related Works
关于 Architecture Design
1.2 OCRNet
像素点的标签 = 物体的标签
1.3 HigherHRNet
2. AutoML for TinyML with Once-for-All Network
【题目】AutoML for TinyML with Once-for-All Network
2.1 ProxylessNAS
latency 作为 feedback
2.2 AMC
2.3 HAC (CVPR2019)
2.4 现实挑战:为不同硬件平台定制高效推理模型
2.5 Once-For-All, Slide 在韩老师个人主页也有
Progressive Shrinking
Accuracy-latency Predictor
3. Rethinking Bottleneck and Self-attention Structures for Efficient Network Design
【讲者】冯佳时(National University of Singapore)
【题目】Rethinking Bottleneck and Self-attention Structures for Efficient Network Design
3.1 MobileNeXt: Bottleneck 模块的修改
实验表明我们希望shortcut连接在宽网络上才能加速收敛,这与mobilenet v2的动机是相反的。
高维 shortcut 带来 computation overhead
shortcut 连接在了升维之后的 feature 上(加速收敛),并且采用 partial connection 减少计算量
3.2 ConvBERT: 自注意力模块的修改
4. Full-space Neural Architecture Search (Using GOLD-NAS)
【题目】Full-space Neural Architecture Search
4.1 可微分NAS
5. Brain Inspired Computing with Hybrid Artificial and Spiking Neural Networks 基于异构融合的类脑计算
【题目】Brain Inspired Computing with Hybrid Artificial and Spiking Neural Networks