
2020/08/18 VALSE2020 共 1533 字,约 5 分钟

VALSE2020 重要主题年度进展回顾 (APR)




anchor-free object detection

  • CornerNet ECCV2018
  • CerterNet huawei ICCV2019 center pooling 特征与物体的对应
  • RepPoints ICCV2019 bounding box 作为特征点的凸包络,回归时满足特征点组成的 box 与 ground truth 损失越来越小

  • FCOS ICCV2019 引入 center-ness loss,“变了一种形式但是是有益的探索”
  • Feature selective anchor-free module for single-shot object detection CVPR2019

learning-to-match object detection

  • FreeAnchor: learning to match anchors for object detection 某些物体如拖把是几何偏心的物体,不用IoU将特征与物体进行匹配。
  • autoassign: differentiable label assignment for dense object detection 孙剑
  • probabilistic anchor assignment with IoU prediction for object detection

feature decoulping

  • revisiting the sibling head in object detector 分别处理 localization 和 classification


  • EfficientDet CVPR2020


  • detection with transformer

efficency-based object detection

  • YOLO-V4

domain adaptive detection

  • strong-weak distribution alignment for adaptive object detection CVPR2019

few-shot object detection

  • few-shot object detection via feature reweighting ICCV2019
  • frestratingly simple few-shot object detection ICML2020

long-tailed distribution

  • LVIS 数据集 cvpr2020

low-resolution objects

  • scale match for tiny person detection WACV2020

dense objects

  • Precise detection in densely packed scenes cvpr2019
  • dynamic refinement network for oriented and densely packed object detection
  • NWPU-Crowd 数据集 PAMI2020


dataset bias vs model bias

visualing the internal representations

interpretability of self-attention modules

GAN 网络可解释性

  • GAN dissection

  • InterFaceGAN

  • steerability of GAN

  • unsupervised discovery of interpretable directions in GANs latent space ICML2020
  • closed-form factorization of latent semantics in GANs arXiv 2007.06600



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