CVPRW 2022
论文名称:Anomaly Detection in Autonomous Driving: A Survey
corner case 定义为,检测难度由易到难,本文只关注自然场景下的 corner case,所以 pixel-level 的 case 不在本文讨论范围内:
- pixel
- domain
- object
- scene
- scenario
检测 corner case 的方式有以下几种:
- Confidence score techniques are often derived by post-processing without interfering with the training of a neural network and subdivided into Bayesian approaches, learned scores, and scores obtained by post-processing.
- Reconstructive approaches try to reconstruct normality and consider any kind of deviation from it as anomalous.
- Generative approaches are closely related to the former reconstructive approaches, but also take into account the discriminator’s decision or the distance to the training data.
- Feature extraction can be based on handcrafted or learned features to determine a class label or compare modalities on various feature levels. Prediction based techniques predict the next frame(s) expected under normality.
- 本文作者:Mengqi Cao
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- 版权声明:自由转载-非商用-非衍生-保持署名(创意共享3.0许可证)